Today I'm ironing out my plan and trying to get it organized. I've been pulling together resources from different fitness articles and I'm trying to incorporate what I have available. I may have to buy some 5 and 8 lb dumbbells though because my video uses them. I'm using my wrist/ankle 2.5 lb weights right now and that makes me tired, so I'll get more comfortable with them and wait to spend money on dumbbells until I'm in the habit of resistance training. (Yay, Dave Ramsey thought-process!)'

I felt much lighter once I took them off.
So remember, when you're having a down day, if you carry some weights for awhile and then take them off, maybe you can psych yourself out and have a great day after all. :)
Here are my healthy lifestyle priorities:
1. Proper nutrition
2. High intensity resistance training
3. High intensity interval or "burst" cardiovascular training
4. Strong support network for accountability and motivation
5. Proper rest and recovery
- List courtesy of
1. For my nutrition regulation, I take Prenatals and a cod liver oil supplement.
I have Crunchy Raisin Bran with skim milk every morning with a Slimfast for breakfast.
For supper I'm going to cook something with lean meats, maybe use Progresso light soups. (Richard likes to smile when I'm suckered in by advertising. Such as Biggest Loser endorsements of Extra sugar-free gum.)
I have changed my snacks to cucumber sandwiches or carrots with glazed walnuts (instead of chocolate). (I have been eating A LOT of chocolate recently! This is strange for me because I never even liked chocolate until after my baby was born in October. Weird.)
I just read about diet foods that are deceptively unhealthy, such as ground turkey that has a high fat content. It is important to cook with meats that have low fat content. Non-fat foods can be deceptive because their sugar or carbohydrate count can be high. This is something that diabetics have to be especially conscious about. I actually developed Gestational Diabetes and it has just now gone away, thanks to diet and exercise.
2. My Resistance Workout
Plus some other simple plank exercises because my obliques are pathetic ;)
3. My burst training is the Treadmill routine that I posted in the last blog entry. I will do that routine 5 days a week or two days in a row, resistance train at home, then repeat. If something comes up and I can't make it to the treadmill, I will use a cardio video at home in my living room. That way I will be without excuse.
4. Accountability: That is what this blog is for. My husband is also a strong motivator for me.
5. Rest and recovery: taking a day off of burst training every two days. Also, I MUST get enough sleep every night (6-8 hrs).